CNN Tech 2024 – International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies – conference was held in Belgrade, Serbia, 24– 27 June 2024. The Ministry of Science, Technological Development and Innovation, Ministry of Education and Enterprise Europe Network support CNN Tech conference and the Regional Innovation Forum to promote innovation and entrepreneurship. CNN Tech 2024 serves as one-stop-shop for Unlocking Synergies between Academia and Industry.
Dr. Jelena Živojinovic and Dr. Adriana Peleš Tadić are members of Scientific committee, while Dr. Nina Obradovic is a member of Organizing committee of the conference.
The opening ceremony and first day were organized at Hotel Mona Plaza, along with the Wine Night.
Wine Night at Hotel Mona Plaza (Prof. Dr. ĐorđeVeljović, Dr. Miljana Mirković, Dr. Nina Obradović, MSc. Isaak Trajković, Prof. Dr. William Fahrenholtz,and Dr. Nataša Obradović)
The second day was organized at the Faculty for Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade. Dr. Jelena Živojinović gave an excellent invited lecture. She presented the work titled Dielectric and structural properties of Fe-DOPED mechanically activated SrTiO3 ceramics, authors: J. Živojinović, A. Peleš Tadić, D. Kosanović, A. Đorđević, N. Obradović. Over 100 participants were present, with various presentations and many posters.
Dr. JelenaZivojinovic (invited lecturer), and Prof. Dr. Goran Mladenovic (Chairman)
CNN Tech 2024 is not just a conference, it is a dynamic hub where worlds of experimental and numerical investigations collide with new technologies, fostering collaboration, knowledge exchange, and groundbreaking advancements.
Detailed info:
Prepared and written by Dr. Nina Obradović